Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction on Educational Websites through User Interface Design: Color Preferences for 7-8 Years Old


  • DMS Sathsara Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana.
  • DVDS Abeysinghe Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana.
  • KGK Abeywardhane 1Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana.


Applications for children, Color preferences, Human Computer Interaction, UX/UI designing


For any application development first impression will always be a matter to attract users. User Interfaces (UI) will be the first handshake of an application with the user. This concern brings more impact when creating applications for children for educational purposes. In that case, having a vibrant and playful UI will be supporting to spark joy in every click of an application. The study aims to evaluate the impact of the effective selection of colors in educational website UI designs. Initially, the study conducted a comparative analysis of color preferences among 7-8-year-old students, aiming to identify the most preferred colors. A systematic color selection process was employed by gathering data from both primary and secondary data sources, resulting in 220 data from primary and a sample population of 323 data from secondary. Based on the findings, the most preferred colors among 7-8-year-old students were identified as red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Then, the obtained color preferences were used in designing an UI for an educational website. The newly created design was then compared with three existing websites to evaluate the attractiveness of UI as an educational website. Finally, the study has concluded that a successful color selection in the UI design will enhance the UI, as it was proven by identifying the newly created UI design with the most preferred colors of the 7-8 years old as the most liked with 52.9% of
positive feedback during the post surveys conducted to validate the aim of the study.

Link: https://www.ijrcom.org/download/issues/v3i1/IJRC31_05.pdf


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How to Cite

DMS Sathsara, DVDS Abeysinghe, & KGK Abeywardhane. (2024). Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction on Educational Websites through User Interface Design: Color Preferences for 7-8 Years Old. International Journal of Research in Computing, 3(1), 35–41. Retrieved from http://ijrcom.org/index.php/ijrc/article/view/135